Dear Readers,
We gladly present the third special edition of the ABPN's journal, composed of the Thematic Dossier: African and Afro-Brazilian History and Culture, Law 10.639 / 03 in schools. The production of Thematic Dossiers aims at making the science produced in the academy closer to the practices referred to in African and Afro-Brazilian cultural matrixes, historically denied and made invisible by the academy, which means establishing an effective relation between Science, Technology, Society and Environment. The main result of this launch will be tightening the bonds between knowledge that circulate our constitution as social subjects, giving a voice to these knowledge(s) and giving space to a cosmogony as a black people.
The Thematic Dossier, composed of 38 papers, provides an excellent theoretical and evaluative frame that allow us to see both the challenges that tend to paralyze the debate about Afro-Brazilians' History, as well as to foresee the various possibilities of overcoming the reigning discrimination in the school space.
This edition marks our registration as a DOI "Digital Object Identificator", a system that enables univocal identification, location and description of digital entities. Such standardization measure and the preservation of the information contained in this environment, materializes, thus, part of our objectives around the qualification of the ABPN's Journal.
We thank the collaborators, peer reviewers, authors, translators, editors, Editorial Board, Consulting Board, Board of Directors and other staff members/partners that enabled publishing this special edition, as well as every researcher. Our sincere thanks to all who contribute to the ABPN's journal!
Modupé (We say thanks)!
Editorial Board
Nicéa Quintino Amauro (UFU)
Luciana de Oliveira Dias (UFG)
Paulo Vinicius Baptista da Silva (UFPR)
Published: 2018-06-04