Dear Readers,
We gladly present the fourth special edition of the ABPN's journal, composed of the Thematic Dossier: Black Race and Education 30 years later - and now, what else do we need to talk about?, organized by researchers Prof. Anna M. Canavarro Benite (UFG), Profa. Amélia Artes (FCC), Prof. Cleber Santos Vieira (UNIFESP), Prof. Ivair Augusto Alves dos Santos (UnB), Prof. João do Prado Ferraz de Carvalho (UNIFESP), Profa. Nicéa Quintino Amauro (UFU), Profa. Rachel Oliveira (UESC), Profa. Sandra Unbehaum (FCC).
The Thematic Dossier composed of 15 papers is the result of debates held during the Seminar Black Race and Education 30 years later and now, what else do we need to talk about?, organized by the Brazilian Association of Black Researchers (ABPN), Carlos Chagas Foundation - FCC and the Center for Afro-Brazilian Studies at the Federal University of São Paulo (NEAB - Unifesp).
The event took place from August 22nd to August 27th 2017, in the auditorium Marcos Lindenberg at Unifesp - São Paulo Campus and it was dedicated to the rescue of thematic published in the Journal Research Dossier n. 63 "Black Race and Education", which completed 30 years in 2017: , gathering the propositional generation of 1987 texts of authors who currently discuss the thematic of the yet persisting educational inequality of black men and women in Brazil.
Publishing the Thematic Dossiers in the ABPN's journal promotes multidisciplinary and interdisciplinary actions in the formation of researchers and production of knowledge, as well as fostering the collaboration between different areas, carrying out efforts and formations that consider the pluriepistemes and encourage the dialogue with traditional knowledge.
We thank the collaborators, peer reviewers, authors, translators, editors, Editorial Board, Consulting Board, Board of Directors and other staff members/partners that enabled publishing this special number, as well as every researcher. Our sincere thanks to all who contribute to the ABPN's journal!
Modupé (We say thanks)!
Editorial Board
Anna M. Canavarro Benite (UFG)
Cintia Camargo Vianna (UFU)
Mércia Otaviana Barbosa de Sá Figueiredo (UESB)
José Antonio Novaes da Silva (UFPB)
Published: 2019-05-07