Dear Readers,

We gladly present the fifth special edition of the ABPN’s journal, composed of the Thematic Dossier: Popular Culture in action Diasporic Afro Arts", organized by Prof. Renato Mendonça Barreto da Silva - UFRJ

The Thematic Dossier is composed of 10 papers and aims at highlighting artistic investigations that value productions about historically marginalized knowledge, also known as popular culture. The diasporic Afro knowledge, endorsed in the body, is the field for different art forms as expression, such as in painting, object crafting, in theatricality and in dance. Black people have always exemplified through parties, skills to agglutinate knowledge and manifest forces to cope with reigning social hardships. Thus, the present dossier will receive papers that dialogue with plural aspects of the artistic making and consider the interculturality and interdisciplinarity as bridges to showcase the knowledge of black matrix in contemporary times.

Publishing the Thematic Dossiers in the ABPN's journal promotes multidisciplinary and interdisciplinary actions in the formation of researchers and production of knowledge, as well as fostering the collaboration between different areas, carrying out efforts and formations that consider the pluriepistemes and encourage the dialogue with traditional knowledge.

We thank the collaborators, peer reviewers, authors, translators, editors, Editorial Board, Consulting Board, Board of Directors and other staff members/partners who enabled publishing this special number, as well as every researcher. Our sincere thanks to all who contribute to the ABPN's journal!

Modupé! (We say thanks)!

Editorial Board

Anna M. Canavarro Benite (UFG)

Cintia Camargo Vianna (UFU)

Mércia Otaviana Barbosa de Sá Figueiredo (UESB)

José Antonio Novaes da Silva (UFPB)

Published: 2019-10-30


Anna M. Canavarro Benite
