Dear Readers,

The ABPN's journal is marked by its thematic choices and content, aiming at promoting Human Rights of the black population in Latin America and the Caribbean, with multidisciplinary and/or interdisciplinary actions in the formation of researchers and production of knowledge, as well as fostering the collaboration between different areas, carrying out efforts and formations that consider the pluriepistemes and encourage the dialogue with traditional knowledge.

Publishing the thematic dossier "Black Men in Brazil", coordinated by Prof. Rolf Malungo Ribeiro de Souza (UFF), Prof. Waldemir Rosa (UNILA), Prof. Alan Augusto Ribeiro (UFOPA), Prof. Henrique Restier da Costa Souza (IESP/UERJ), contributes largely to the landscape of studies on genre and race by discussing the construction of black masculinity before a universe maintaining colonial representations of black men's subjectivities and bodies. The texts point to a new epistemology of genre, promoting the opening to new doors to different reflections about blackness and, consequently, about feminism and black femininity in contrast.

We thank the collaborators, peer reviewers, authors, translators, editors, Editorial Board, Consulting Board, Board of Directors and other staff members/partners who enabled publishing this number, and made feasible its continuity. We invite the readers to navigate through this volume and, from the experiences shared here, never concede in their reflection and practice of an antiracist education in Brazil.

Modupé (We say thanks)!

Editorial Board

Anna M. Canavarro Benite (UFG)

Cintia Camargo Vianna (UFU)

Mércia Otaviana Barbosa de Sá Figueiredo (UESB)

José Antonio Novaes da Silva (UFPB)

Published: 2019-11-30