ABPN Journal | Oct 2019| Special Edition - Thematic Dossier "Popular Culture in action - diasporic Afro arts"
Vol. 11 No. Ed. Especi (2019)

Dear Readers,

We gladly present the fifth special edition of the ABPN’s journal, composed of the Thematic Dossier: Popular Culture in action Diasporic Afro Arts", organized by Prof. Renato Mendonça Barreto da Silva - UFRJ

The Thematic Dossier is composed of 10 papers and aims at highlighting artistic investigations that value productions about historically marginalized knowledge, also known as popular culture. The diasporic Afro knowledge, endorsed in the body, is the field for different art forms as expression, such as in painting, object crafting, in theatricality and in dance. Black people have always exemplified through parties, skills to agglutinate knowledge and manifest forces to cope with reigning social hardships. Thus, the present dossier will receive papers that dialogue with plural aspects of the artistic making and consider the interculturality and interdisciplinarity as bridges to showcase the knowledge of black matrix in contemporary times.

Publishing the Thematic Dossiers in the ABPN's journal promotes multidisciplinary and interdisciplinary actions in the formation of researchers and production of knowledge, as well as fostering the collaboration between different areas, carrying out efforts and formations that consider the pluriepistemes and encourage the dialogue with traditional knowledge.

We thank the collaborators, peer reviewers, authors, translators, editors, Editorial Board, Consulting Board, Board of Directors and other staff members/partners who enabled publishing this special number, as well as every researcher. Our sincere thanks to all who contribute to the ABPN's journal!

Modupé! (We say thanks)!

Editorial Board

Anna M. Canavarro Benite (UFG)

Cintia Camargo Vianna (UFU)

Mércia Otaviana Barbosa de Sá Figueiredo (UESB)

José Antonio Novaes da Silva (UFPB)

ABPN Journal | Jun - Aug 2019 | Thematic Dossier "The importance of The Heteroidentification Commission in the insurance of Affirmative Actions for Black Men and Women in Brazilian Public Universities"
Vol. 11 No. 29 (2019)

Dear Readers,

We present the new number of the ABPN’s journal, Brazilian Association of Black Researchers, in its twentieth edition, composed of 9 papers on the Thematic Dossier "The importance of The Heteroidentification Commission in the insurance of Affirmative Actions for Black Men and Women in Brazilian Public Universities" organized by Prof. Eugenia Portela de Siqueira Marques (UFMS), as well as 3 papers and 2 reviews on diverse thematic interesting the black population in Brazil.

The dossier presents some experiences adopted by the heteroidentification commissions in public universities in Brazil, and it was proposed by the Working Group on Education and Ethnic-Racial Relations (GT 21 - 2017-2019 Board), of the National Association of Graduate Studies and Research in Education (ANPED). Most of the authors are researchers and members of the GT21 and of the ABPN who participated in the I Seminar about Affirmative Action Policies in Brazilian Universities and also in the self-declaration verifying committees in public universities, participating as well in the Training workshop on the topic of promoting racial equality and confronting racism for professors, faculty and members of commissions/self-declaration verifying boards, in compliance with the new Normative Guidance n. 04, published on April 06th 2018, guiding public selections from 08/20 to 09/31 2018, in the Federal University of Mato Grosso do Sul - UFMS, Campo Grande - MS.

We thank the collaborators, peer reviewers, authors, translators, editors, Editorial Board, Consulting Board, Board of Directors and other staff members/partners who enabled publishing this special number, as well as every researcher.

Our sincere thanks to all who contribute to the ABPN’s journal!

Modupé (We say thanks)!

Editorial Board

Anna M. Canavarro Benite (UFG)

Cintia Camargo Vianna (UFU)

Mércia Otaviana Barbosa de Sá Figueiredo (FAVENORTE)

José Antonio Novaes da Silva (UFPB) 

ABPN Journal | Mar - May 2019 | Thematic Dossier "African and Afro-Brazilian religiosities and spiritualities and the daily struggles against racism and religious intolerance"
Vol. 11 No. 28 (2019)

Dear Readers,

We present the new number of the ABPN's journal, Brazilian Association of Black Researchers, on its 28th edition, composed of 10 papers of the Thematic Dossier "African and Afro-Brazilian religiosities and spiritualities and the daily struggles against racism and religious intolerance", organized by Prof. Babalawô Ivanir dos Santos (UFRJ), as well as 6 free papers and 1 essay of diverse thematic interesting the black population in Brazil.

This dossier aims at raising the visibility of academic-scientific discussions about studies that recognize religious experiences as political practices and equally comprehend religious intolerance as a process that constitutes an ongoing challenge in guaranteeing the right to be and dignity.

We thank the collaborators, peer reviewers, authors, translators, editors, Editorial Board, Consulting Board, Board of Directors and other staff members/partners that enabled publishing this special number, as well as every researcher. Our sincere thanks to all who contribute to the ABPN’s journal!

Modupé (We say thanks)!

Editorial Board

Anna M. Canavarro Benite (UFG)

Cintia Camargo Vianna (UFU)

Mércia Otaviana Barbosa de Sá Figueiredo (FAVENORTE)

José Antonio Novaes da Silva (UFPB)

ABPN Journal | Apr 2019 | SPECIAL EDITION - Thematic Dossier: Black Race and Education 30 years later and now, what else do we need to talk about?
Vol. 11 No. Ed. Especi (2019)

Dear Readers,

We gladly present the fourth special edition of the ABPN's journal, composed of the Thematic Dossier: Black Race and Education 30 years later - and now, what else do we need to talk about?, organized by researchers Prof. Anna M. Canavarro Benite (UFG), Profa. Amélia Artes (FCC), Prof. Cleber Santos Vieira (UNIFESP), Prof. Ivair Augusto Alves dos Santos (UnB), Prof. João do Prado Ferraz de Carvalho (UNIFESP), Profa. Nicéa Quintino Amauro (UFU), Profa. Rachel Oliveira (UESC), Profa. Sandra Unbehaum (FCC).

The Thematic Dossier composed of 15 papers is the result of debates held during the Seminar Black Race and Education 30 years later and now, what else do we need to talk about?, organized by the Brazilian Association of Black Researchers (ABPN), Carlos Chagas Foundation - FCC and the Center for Afro-Brazilian Studies at the Federal University of São Paulo (NEAB - Unifesp).

The event took place from August 22nd to August 27th 2017, in the auditorium Marcos Lindenberg at Unifesp - São Paulo Campus and it was dedicated to the rescue of thematic published in the Journal Research Dossier n. 63 "Black Race and Education", which completed 30 years in 2017: https://www.fcc.org.br/fcc/wp-content/uploads/2019/04/Caderno-de-Pesquisa-63_menor.pdf , gathering the propositional generation of 1987 texts of authors who currently discuss the thematic of the yet persisting educational inequality of black men and women in Brazil.

Publishing the Thematic Dossiers in the ABPN's journal promotes multidisciplinary and interdisciplinary actions in the formation of researchers and production of knowledge, as well as fostering the collaboration between different areas, carrying out efforts and formations that consider the pluriepistemes and encourage the dialogue with traditional knowledge.

We thank the collaborators, peer reviewers, authors, translators, editors, Editorial Board, Consulting Board, Board of Directors and other staff members/partners that enabled publishing this special number, as well as every researcher. Our sincere thanks to all who contribute to the ABPN's journal!


Modupé (We say thanks)!

Editorial Board

Anna M. Canavarro Benite (UFG)

Cintia Camargo Vianna (UFU)

Mércia Otaviana Barbosa de Sá Figueiredo (UESB)

José Antonio Novaes da Silva (UFPB)

ABPN Journal | Nov 2018 - Feb 2019 | "Black Arts" Thematic Dossier
Vol. 11 No. 27 (2019)

Dear Readers,

We present the new number of the ABPN's journal, Brazilian Association of Black researchers, which bases its productions on publishing quality, focusing on promoting the Human Rights of the black population in Latin America and Caribbean. The texts presented here on this 27th edition contemplate History, Sociology, Education and the Arts, on their different approaches and multiple inter-relations. The Dossier contains a wider contribution with papers that lean over the analysis and interventions about inequality in the art field, brought in the Thematic Dossier "Black Arts" organized by Prof. Nelma Cristina Silva Barbosa de Mattos (IF-Baiano).

This Thematic Dossier gathers works of black young researchers, militants and artists who address the issues around creation, poetics, circulation and interpretation of works of art of this population of artists, historically denied and unprivileged. Research demonstrates that in music, audiovisual, visual arts, theater or dance, black identity becomes the emblematic element of the contemporary artistic production.

We thank the collaborators, peer reviewers, authors, translators, editors, Editorial Board, Consulting Board, Board of Directors and other staff members/partners that enabled publishing this 27th edition, as well as every researcher. Our sincere thanks to all who contribute to the ABPN's journal!

Modupé (We say thanks)!

Editorial Board

Anna M. Canavarro Benite (UFG)

Cintia Camargo Vianna (UFU)

Mércia Otaviana Barbosa de Sá Figueiredo (UESB)

José Antonio Novaes da Silva (UFPB)

Revista da ABPN | Jul - Out 2018 | Thematic Dossier "African Diaspora: present actions and perspectives for the future"
Vol. 10 No. 26 (2018)

Dear Readers,

We present the new number of the ABPN's journal, Brazilian Association of Black researchers, which bases its productions on publishing quality, focusing on promoting the Human Rights of the black population in Latin America and Caribbean. The texts presented here on this 27th edition contemplate History, Sociology, Education and the Arts, on their different approaches and multiple inter-relations. They also have a wider contribution, with papers and essays of prominent Latin American researchers and intellectuals who lean over the discussion about the African diaspora, its consequences and effects in the formation of the continent, brought in the Thematic Dossier "African Diaspora: Present Actions and Prospects for the Future", organized by Prof. Anny Ocoro Loango (UNTREFF), Prof. Marcos de Jesus Oliveira (UNILA), Prof. Roberto Carlos da Silva Borges (CEFET/RJ).

Despite the fact that many Latin American and Caribbean intellectuals and researchers have produced significant and important literature about the Black and Afro-descendants populations, peoples and communities in this continent, the absence of an ongoing, articulated and permanent debate about this topic is notorious, between and from the different perspectives produced by numerous Latin American countries. Thus, the journal African Diaspora of the Association of African-American and Caribbean Researchers takes on, since the first published issue, launched in partnership with the ABPN's journal, the challenge of fomenting, now and in the future, a closer relationship between the theoretical production of these many countries about the black and Afro-descendant thematic.

We thank the collaborators, peer reviewers, authors, translators, editors, Editorial Board, Consulting Board, Board of Directors and other staff members/partners that enabled publishing this 27th edition, as well as every researcher. Our sincere thanks to all who contribute to the ABPN's journal!

Modupé (We say thanks)!

Editorial Board

Nicéa Quintino Amauro (UFU)

Luciana de Oliveira Dias (UFG)

Paulo Vinicius Baptista da Silva (UFPR)

Revista da ABPN | Mar - Jun 2018 | Thematic Dossier "Black Intellectuals, 19th-21st Centuries: Challenges, projects and memories"
Vol. 10 No. 25 (2018)

Dear Readers,

We present the new number of the ABPN's journal, Brazilian Association of Black Researchers, which bases its productions on publishing quality, focusing on promoting the Human Rights of the black population in Latin America and Caribbean. The texts presented here on this 27th edition contemplate History, Sociology, Education and the Arts, on their different approaches and multiple inter-relations. They also have a wider contribution in History and Sociology, bringing the Thematic Dossier "Black Intellectuals Men and Women, 19th-21st Centuries: Challenges, Projects and Memories", organized by Prof. Flávio Gomes (UFRJ) e Prof. Petrônio Domingues (UFS).

The Thematic Dossier presents to its readers the journeys of Passos e Silva, André Rebouças, Neninho de Obaluaê, Eduardo de Oliveira e Oliveira, Alberto Guerreiro Ramos, Beatriz Nascimento, Tito Lívio de Castro, Carolina Maria de Jesus, José Carlos do Patrocínio, and Laudelina de Campos Mello. In addition to texts that discuss a project of Brazil elaborated by post-abolition black thinkers, there are the insurgency and displacement of black intellectuals in the social movements in universities, and the experience of black women for the construction of a black and feminist episteme in Brazil. Concerning other ways of research and the construction of knowledge, the coordinators of this dossier also include the transcription of the interview with black intellectuals who studied at the Pontifical Catholic University of São Paulo (PUCSP) between the 80's and 90’s and in the beginning of the twentieth century.

We thank the collaborators, peer reviewers, authors, translators, editors, Editorial Board, Consulting Board, Board of Directors and other staff members/partners that enabled publishing this 27th edition, as well as every researcher. Our sincere thanks to all who contribute to the ABPN's journal!

Modupé (We say thanks)!

Editorial Board

Nicéa Quintino Amauro (UFU)

Luciana de Oliveira Dias (UFG)

Paulo Vinicius Baptista da Silva (UFPR)

ABPN Journal | May 2018 | SPECIAL EDITION - Thematic Dossier: African and Afro-Brazilian History and Culture - Law 10.639 / 03 in schools
Vol. 10 No. Ed. Especi (2018)

Dear Readers,

We gladly present the third special edition of the ABPN's journal, composed of the Thematic Dossier: African and Afro-Brazilian History and Culture, Law 10.639 / 03 in schools.  The production of Thematic Dossiers aims at making the science produced in the academy closer to the practices referred to in African and Afro-Brazilian cultural matrixes, historically denied and made invisible by the academy, which means establishing an effective relation between Science, Technology, Society and Environment. The main result of this launch will be tightening the bonds between knowledge that circulate our constitution as social subjects, giving a voice to these knowledge(s) and giving space to a cosmogony as a black people.

The Thematic Dossier, composed of 38 papers, provides an excellent theoretical and evaluative frame that allow us to see both the challenges that tend to paralyze the debate about Afro-Brazilians' History, as well as to foresee the various possibilities of overcoming the reigning discrimination in the school space.

This edition marks our registration as a DOI "Digital Object Identificator", a system that enables univocal identification, location and description of digital entities. Such standardization measure and the preservation of the information contained in this environment, materializes, thus, part of our objectives around the qualification of the ABPN's Journal.

We thank the collaborators, peer reviewers, authors, translators, editors, Editorial Board, Consulting Board, Board of Directors and other staff members/partners that enabled publishing this special edition, as well as every researcher. Our sincere thanks to all who contribute to the ABPN's journal!

Modupé (We say thanks)!

Editorial Board

Nicéa Quintino Amauro (UFU)

Luciana de Oliveira Dias (UFG)

Paulo Vinicius Baptista da Silva (UFPR)

ABPN Journal | Nov 2017 - Feb 2018 | Thematic Dossier "Racism, Mental Health and Territory: Political and Epistemological challenges in Extended Clinic"
Vol. 10 No. 24 (2018)

Dear Readers,

We present the new number of the ABPN's journal (Brazilian Association of Black Researchers) which bases its productions on publishing quality, focusing on promoting the Human Rights of the black population in Latin America and Caribbean. The texts presented here on this twenty-fourth edition contemplate areas of Education, Literature, Chemistry and the Arts in their different approaches and multiple interrelations. A greater contribution to the areas of teaching and Higher Education is brought by the Thematic Dossier "Racism, Mental Health and Territory: Political and Epistemological challenges in Extended Clinic".

We thank the collaborators, peer reviewers, authors, translators, editors, Editorial Board, Consultative Board, Direction and other team members and partnerships who enabled the publication of this number and its continuity, as well as every researcher who, directly or indirectly, has invested so we could keep the journal, after systematic attacks in the web universe. Considering all efforts, we invite readers to navigate through these effervescent ideas and strengthen the cause against all forms of racism and discrimination practices.   


Modupé! (We say thanks)!

Editorial Board

Nicéa Quintino Amauro (UFU)

Luciana de Oliveira Dias (UFG)

Paulo Vinicius Baptista da Silva (UFPR)

ABPN Journal | Jan 2018 | SPECIAL EDITION - Thematic: Re-existence Literacy
Vol. 10 (2018)

Dear Readers,


We gladly present the second special edition of the ABPN's journal, composed of the Thematic journal “Re-existence literacy” and organized by Professors Ana Lúcia Silva Souza (UFBA), Ione da Silva Jovino (UEPG) and Dra. Kassandra da Silva Muniz (UFOP). The proposition of Thematic journals materializes the action plan of Dandaras Board of directors that seeks to promote multidisciplinary or interdisciplinary actions in the education of researchers and production of knowledge, as well as foster collaboration among researchers of different areas, aiming at performing works and education that considers pluriepistemes and encouraging dialogue with traditional knowledge. 

The Thematic journal: “Re-existence Literacy” is composed of 41 papers of almost a hundred activists, researchers and intellectual of several areas of knowledge, who, centering on an antiracist education, say: We must REEXIST. And to Reexist even more and more in a social, political and economic daily oppressive context, requiring repositioning of our acting, proposition and political action places in which education has a fundamental role.

We thank the professors, organizers, collaborators, peer reviewers, authors, translators, editors, secretary, Editorial Board, Consultative Board, Direction and other team members and partners who enabled the publication of this special edition, as well as every researcher. Our sincere thanks to all who contribute to the ABPN's Journal.

Modupé (We say thanks)!

Editorial Board

Nicéa Quintino Amauro (UFU)

Luciana de Oliveira Dias (UFG)

Paulo Vinicius Baptista da Silva (UFPR)

ABPN Journal | Dec 2017 | SPECIAL EDITION - Thematic Journal: Traditional Knowledge
Vol. 9 (2017)

Dear Readers,

We gladly present the first special edition of the ABPN's journal, composed of the Thematic Journal - Traditional Knowledge, organized by Prof. Carlos Benedito Rodrigues da Silva (UFMA). The proposition of Thematic Journal materializes the action plan of Dandaras Board of Directors that seeks to promote multidisciplinary or interdisciplinary actions in the formation of researchers and production of knowledge, as well as stimulate the collaboration among researchers of different areas to perform work and formation that consider pluriepistemes and encourage dialogue with traditional knowledge. 

Publishing the Thematic Dossiers in the ABPN's journal promotes multidisciplinary and interdisciplinary actions in the formation of researchers and production of knowledge, as well as fostering the collaboration between different areas, carrying out efforts and formations that consider the pluriepistemes and encourage the dialogue with traditional knowledge.

This Thematic Journal Traditional Knowledge, aims at identifying academic productions resulting from dialogues of intellectuals of several areas of knowledge with social movements, quilombolas representations and African religions, communities that keep traditional knowledge, recognizing and valuing its historical contributions to national culture,

We thank the organizers, collaborators, peer reviewers, authors, translators, editors, secretary, Editorial Board, Consultative Board, Direction and other team members and partners who enabled the publication of this special edition, as well as every researcher. Our sincere thanks to all who contribute to the ABPN's journal!

Modupé (We say thanks)!

Editorial Board

Nicéa Quintino Amauro (UFU)

Luciana de Oliveira Dias (UFG)

Paulo Vinicius Baptista da Silva (UFPR)

ABPN Journal | Jul - Oct 2017 | Thematic Dossier "Space, Water and Territories: a socio-spatial analysis"
Vol. 9 No. 23 (2017)

Dear Readers,

We present the new number of the ABPN's (Brazilian Association of Black Researchers) journal, which bases its productions on publishing quality, focusing on the promotion of Human Rights of black population in Latin America and Caribbean. The texts presented in this twenty-third edition contemplate areas of History, Education, Literature, Chemistry and the Arts in its different approaches and multiple interrelations. It also brings a wider contribution to the areas of teaching and Higher Education, showcased in the Thematic Dossier “Space, water and territories - a socio-spatial analysis”. 

We thank the collaborators, peer reviewers, authors, translators, editors, Editorial Board, Consultative Board, Direction and other team members and partnerships who enabled the publication of this number and its continuity, as well as every researcher who, directly or indirectly, has invested so we could keep the journal, after systematic attacks in the web universe.    From the consideration of all these efforts, we invite readers to navigate with us in these ideas and strengthen the cause against all forms of racism and discrimination practices. 


Modupé (We say thanks)!

ABPN Journal | Mar - Jun 2017 | Thematic Dossier "For a Black Science production: experiences in the Chemistry, Physics, Mathematics, Biology and Technology syllabus"
Vol. 9 No. 22 (2017)

We gladly present the new number of the ABPN's (Brazilian Association of Black Researchers) journal, which bases its productions on publishing quality. In this number, we stayed focused on what characterizes the Journal regarding the promotion of Human Rights of black population in Latin American and Caribbean. The texts presented in this twenty-second edition contemplate areas of History, Education, Literature, Chemistry, and the Arts in its different approaches and multiple interrelations. Besides the Thematic Dossier “For a Black Science production: experiences in the Chemistry, Physics, Mathematics, Biology and Technology curriculums”, it also brings nine free papers.

We thank the collaborators, peer reviewers, authors, translators, editors, Editorial Board, Consultative Board, Direction and other team members and partners who enabled the publication of this number and its continuity, as well as every researcher who, directly or indirectly, has invested so we could keep the journal, after systematic attacks in the web universe. 

Considering all these efforts, we invite readers to navigate through these effervescent ideas that were materialized in the manuscripts that compose this number. We also invite them to strengthen the cause against all forms of racism and discrimination practices. 

Modupé (We say thanks!)!

Editorial Board

Nicea Quintino Amauro (UFU)

Luciana de Oliveira Dias (UFG)

Paulo Vinicius Baptista da Silva (UFPR)

ABPN Journal | Nov 2016 - Feb 2017 | Thematic Dossier "Dialogues and Perspectives about the Racial Issue in Brazil"
Vol. 9 No. 21 (2017)

Dear Readers,

We present the new number of the ABPN's (Brazilian Association of Black Researchers) journal, which bases its productions on publishing quality, focusing on the promotion of Human Rights of black population in Latin America and Caribbean. The texts presented in this twenty-first edition contemplate History, Education, Literature, Chemistry and the Arts in their different approaches and multiple interrelations. In addition, it brings the Thematic Dossier Dialogues and Perspectives about Racial Issues in Brazil, and three free texts.

We thank the collaborators, peer reviewers, authors, translators, editors, Editorial Board, Consultative Board, Direction and other team members and partners who enabled the publication of this number and its continuity, as well as every researcher who, directly or indirectly, has invested so we could keep the journal, after systematic attacks in the web universe.   

Considering all these efforts, we invite readers to navigate with us in these ideas and strengthen the cause against all forms of racism and discrimination practices. 


Modupé (We say thanks)!

ABPN Journal | Jul-Oct 2016
Vol. 8 No. 20 (2016)

Dear Readers,

We present the new number of the ABPN's (Brazilian Association of Black Researchers) journal, which bases its productions on publishing quality. The texts presented in this twentieth edition comprehend areas of History, Education, Literature and Communication in its different and multiple approaches. Therefore, we invite readers to navigate through these effervescent ideas with us.

We thank the collaborators, peer reviewers, authors, translators, editors, Editorial Board, Consultative Board, Direction and other team members and partners who enabled the publication of this number and its continuity, as well as every researcher who, directly or indirectly, has invested so we could keep the journal, after systematic attacks in the web universe. 

Our thanks to all!

Editorial Team

ABPN Journal | Mar-Jun 2016 | Thematic Dossier "Studies about Black people and Education"
Vol. 8 No. 19 (2016)

We gladly present one more number of the ABPN's journal, in its eighth volume and nineteenth edition, composed of 9 papers of the Thematic Dossier Studies about Black People and Education, organized by Professors Julvan Moreira de Oliveira (UFJF) and Wilma de Nazaré Baía Coelho (UFPA). The dossier has emerged from the necessity to reflect about studies and research developed by associated researchers of the ANPED (Education and Ethnic Racial of the Postgraduation and Education Research National Association TG) (Thematic Group) 21, and, at the same time materializes the current management commitment with researchers of the GT 21 during a meeting in October 2015.  

This edition is also composed of 5 more papers in the free-paper section that discuss research reflection, results and practices about issues that specifically affect the black population.

We thank the organizers of the dossier, collaborators, peer reviewers, authors, translators, editors, secretary, Editorial Board, consultative board, direction and other team members and partners who enabled the publication of this new number, as well as every researcher. 

Our sincere thanks to all who contribute to the ABPN's journal!

ABPN Journal | Nov 2015 - Feb 2016 | Thematic Dossier “Education, Quilombos and History Teaching: paradigm and proposals”
Vol. 8 No. 18 (2016)

Dear Readers,

We gladly present one more number of the ABPN's journal, in its eighth volume and eighteenth edition, composed of 13 papers and interviews of the Thematic Dossier Education, Quilombos and History Teaching: paradigm and proposals organized by Professors Flávio Gomes (UFRJ) and Cândida Soares da Costa (UFMT). The dossier has reunited diverse studies, covering many parts of Brazil that reflect complex teaching experiences, social contexts, hindrances and headways of the quilombola education. There are also comparative contributions and essays on the meaning of quilombos and its uses in the political sphere.

This edition is also composed of 8 papers in the free-paper section that discuss research reflection, results and practices about issues that specifically affect the black population.

We thank the organizers of the dossier, collaborators, peer reviewers, authors, translators, editors, secretary, Editorial Board, consultative board, direction and other team members and partners who enabled the publication of this new number, as well as every researcher. 

Our sincere thanks to all who contribute to the ABPN's journal!

Editorial Team

Revista da ABPN | Jul - Out 2015 | Dossiê Temático "Questões Étnico-Raciais e Linguagens"
Vol. 7 No. 17 (2015)

Prezadas/os Leitoras/es,

Apresentamos com imensa satisfação e expectativas mais um número da Revista da ABPN, em sua décima sétima edição, composta por 11 artigos do Dossiê Temático Questões Étnico-Raciais e Linguagens organizado pelas professoras Dra. Maria Cristina Giorgi (CEFET/RJ), Dra. Liana de Andrade Biar (PUC-Rio) e pelo professor Dr. Roberto Carlos da Silva Borges (CEFET/RJ), bem como 6 artigos de temáticas diversas de interesse das populações negras no Brasil. A finalidade do dossiê é dar visibilidade a discussões acadêmico-científicas que remetem às dimensões simbólicas das identidades e relações étnico-raciais no discurso institucional, cotidiano e literário.

Agradecemos aos/às organizadores/as do dossiê, colaboradores/as – pareceristas, autores/as, tradutores/as, editores/as, secretaria, Conselho Editorial, Conselho Consultivo, Diretoria e demais membros da equipe e parceiros/as, que possibilitaram a publicação deste número e sua continuidade, como também a cada pesquisador/a.

Nossos agradecimentos a todas e a todos!

Equipe Editorial

Revista da ABPN | Mar - Jun 2015 | Dossiê Temático “Saúde da População Negra”
Vol. 7 No. 16 (2015)

Prezadas/os Leitoras/es,

 Apresentamos com imensa satisfação mais um número da Revista da ABPN, em sua décima sexta edição, composta por 11 artigos do Dossiê Saúde da População Negra, bem como 4 artigos de temáticas diversas de interesse das populações negras no Brasil. A finalidade da publicação do dossiê é dar visibilidade a produção cientifica nacional e também internacional sobre a temática Saúde da População Negra e outras populações em situação de vulnerabilidade.

 Agradecemos aos/às organizadores/as do dossiê, colaboradores/as – pareceristas, autores/as, tradutores/as, editores/as, secretaria, Conselho Editorial, Conselho Consultivo, Diretoria e demais membros da equipe e parceiros/as, que possibilitaram a publicação deste número e sua continuidade, como também cada pesquisador/a. Nossos agradecimentos a todas e a todos!

Equipe Editorial

Revista da ABPN | Nov 2014 - Fev 2015
Vol. 7 No. 15 (2015)

Prezadas(os) Leitoras(es),

Apresentamos o novo número da revista da ABPN, Associação Brasileira de Pesquisadores(as) Negros(as), que tem primado pela busca de padrões de qualidade em suas produções.

Agradecemos aos colaboradores – pareceristas, autores, tradutores, editores, Conselho Editorial, Conselho Consultivo, Diretoria e demais membros da equipe e parceiros –, que possibilitaram a publicação deste número, e por tornarem factível sua continuidade, como também a cada pesquisador(a) que, direta ou indiretamente, investiu para que nos mantivéssemos em atividade.

Nossos agradecimentos a todas e a todos!
Equipe Editorial

Revista da ABPN | Jul - Out 2014 | Dossiê Temático “Raça, Ciência e Gênero”
Vol. 6 No. 14 (2014)

Prezados/as leitores/as,

Com imensa satisfação, lançamos em fins de outubro uma nova edição da Revista da ABPN, apresentando um novo Dossiê temático"Raça, Ciência e Gênero", organizado pelas pesquisadoras Christiane Maria Cruz de Souza (IFBA), Lina Maria Brandão de Aras (UFBA) eMaria Renilda Barreto (CEFET-RJ), composto por dez artigos distribuídos em quatro temas: Saúde, escravidão e abolição; Raça, políticas públicas e assistência materno-infantil; Doenças e especialidades de mulheres; e Mulheres e profissões.

Os artigos são resultados de estudos realizados por pesquisadores/as nacionais e internacionais entre os anos de 2012 e 2014, dos grupos de Pesquisa História da Assistência à Saúde e pelo Programa de Pós-Graduação em Relações Etnicorraciais (CEFET-RJ).

Trazemos também quatro artigos na Seção livre.

Agradecemos aos/às colaboradores/as – pareceristas, autores/as, tradutores/as, editores/as, secretaria, Conselho Editorial, Conselho Consultivo, Diretoria e demais membros da equipe e parceiros/as –, que possibilitaram a publicação deste número e sua continuidade, como também cada pesquisador/a. Nossos agradecimentos a todas e a todos!

Equipe Editorial

Revista da ABPN | Mar - Jun 2014 | Dossiê Temático “Branquitude”
Vol. 6 No. 13 (2014)

Prezadas/os Leitoras/es,

Apresentamos com imensa satisfação mais um número da Revista da ABPN, sua décima terceira edição, composta por 13 artigos do Dossiê Branquitude, bem como 12 artigos de temáticas diversas de interesse das populações negras no Brasil. As discussões sobre racismo evidenciam tensões presentes na sociedade e impulsionam reflexões transformadoras e práticas incisivas em torno de seu combate.

Agradecemos aos/às colaboradores/as – pareceristas, autores/as, tradutores/as, editores/as, secretaria, Conselho Editorial, Conselho Consultivo, Diretoria e demais membros da equipe e parceiros/as –, que possibilitaram a publicação deste número e sua continuidade, como também cada pesquisador/a. Nossos agradecimentos a todas e a todos!

Equipe Editorial

Revista da ABPN | Nov 2013 - Fev 2014
Vol. 6 No. 12 (2014)

A Revista da ABPN se posiciona como espaço permanente de denúncia dos acontecimentos e eventos não privilegiados pela mídia nem pelos demais espaços, inclusive os acadêmicos. É nossa meta a divulgação de trabalhos e estudos de pesquisadores e ativistas negros e lançar novas luzes sobre as especificidades históricas e reflexões que tenham como o foco o a população negra, o racismo e a luta antirracista. Os textos aqui reunidos versam sobre estratégias e mecanismos políticos, perspectivas explicativas, discussões teóricas e historiográficas, conexões entre formas de enfrentamento do racismo e possibilidades de superação.

Revista da ABPN | Jul - Out 2013 | Dossiê Temático "Educação para a diversiddade: a lei 10.639/03, avanços e recuos"
Vol. 5 No. 11 (2013)

Esta décima primeira edição da Revista da ABPN oportunamente traz como pauta os 10 anos da Lei Federal 10.639/03, objetivando reunir artigos críticos de conhecidas(os) pesquisadoras(es) e/ou ativistas que, nesse tempo têm se empenhado, tanto profissional quanto politicamente, para a produção de reflexões e ações visando a implementação, o aperfeiçoamento e o fomento intelectual de debates epistemológicos, teóricos e
metodológicos em torno da referida Lei, suas possibilidades, desafios e perspectivas no tocante ao combate contra as desigualdades étnico-raciais presentes na educação brasileira. Os organizadores desse Dossiê Temático “Educação para a diversidade: a Lei 10.639/03, avanços e recuos” são os professores Paulino de Jesus Francisco Cardoso (UDESC), Wilson Roberto de Mattos (UNEB) e Flávio Gomes (UFRJ). O Dossiê compõe-se de trabalhos importantes para a compreensão de diálogos, trajetórias, possibilidades e perspectivas necessárias na avaliação destes 10 anos da Lei 10.639/03. São 6 (seis) os artigos componentes do Dossiê, além de outros 5 (cinco) artigo de temática livre e um brinde especial com o texto da conferência proferida pelo prof. Dr.Kabengele Munanga no encerramento da IV Semana Acadêmica de História da Universidade do Estado de Santa Catarina ocorrida em outubro de 2013.

Revista da ABPN | Mar - Jun 2013
Vol. 5 No. 10 (2013)

Podemos tardar, mas não esmorecer. Continuamos com nossa pauta e lutas pelas reivindicações da população negra, que, tem prioritariamente na voz dos intelectuais e ativistas negros e negras a defesa de suas demandas. Deste modo, os textos se esmeram na preservação e resgate da cultura afro-brasileira que se revela nas pesquisas acadêmicas. É nossa maior intenção publicizar e visibilizar esses trabalhos aos diversos pesquisadores e estudiosos das temáticas de interesse da população negra, com vistas a superar a rígida desigualdade e a segregação racial que ainda atingem o povo negro. A revista da ABPN está diretamente implicada às batalhas contra o racismo e a discriminação racial, mas também a xenofobia e intolerâncias correlatas. Busca através de seus textos não só a denúncia, o rompimento do silenciamento de suas demandas e injustiças, mas através de seus pesquisadores e ativistas denunciar e colocar em pauta as
diversas reflexões, inovações e revisões históricas que coloquem em evidência a história e intervenções cotidianas da população negra na sociedade.