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Africano Florindo Francisco Samo
Eliane Costa Santos


The article is the result of research that seeks to offer Angolan high school students to improve their skills in solving 2nd degree equations to unknown. It takes us to travel at different times in search of evolution of the equations of the second degree that encompasses different periods of development of mathematics, which occurred in various civilizations. Mathematicians who have contributed to solving such equations through different methods, in particular as contributions from Egyptian, Babylon, Greek, Hindu, Arab, and political mathematicians through used bibliographies. We want the content in question, as well as we the rest, to be explored in a broader historical context. Currently teaching about the solving of 2nd degree equations is practically restricted in the presentation of the solved formula, relationships between coefficients and their roots. Despising the history of mathematics. The focus of the research is the process f teaching and learning mathematics in Angola, aiming to diversify as tools for the middle of the history of mathematics and reduce the number of difficulties that in solving 2nd degree equations. Its execution was possible through theoretical, empirical and statistical methods, however, observed as the study in this perspective, which can contribute to the improvement of mathematics teaching and learning in parents and to obtain good results.

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How to Cite
Samo, A. F. F., & Santos, E. C. (2019). EQUA-ACTION OR ACTION-INEQUA? REVISED TEACHING OF 2ND DEGREE EQUATIONS IN ANGOLA. Journal of Black Brazilian Researchers Association, 11(Ed. Especi), 150–172. Retrieved from https://abpnrevista.org.br/site/article/view/819
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