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André Lázaro
Luciano Cerqueira
Carolina Castro


The article reports and analyzes results of the research "Movements in movement" developed by the Latin American Faculty of Social Sciences (Faculdade Latino-Americana de Ciências Sociais - Flacso) and by the Public Policy Laboratory (Laboratório de Políticas Públicas - LPP) of the State University of Rio de Janeiro (Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro - UERJ) in partnership with the Carlos Chagas Foundation and support from the Ford Foundation. The investigation had by objective identify the position of the educational agenda at the schedule of black movement organizations. It was held in the second half of 2016 by the team of the Strategic Group of Analysis of Higher Education (Grupo Estratégico de Análise da Educação Superior – GES-ES) that have been dedicating themselves to the study of affirmative action policies in higher education. 526 organizations of social movements were identified, 357 were contacted and received the questionnaires about the educational agenda in the schedule of these entities. 57 (16%) of these questionnaires were answered and the article analyzes both the difficulties of localization of the organizations and the relatively low volume of returns. In response to the question of the "what else do we need to talk about" seminar, we propose the reflection on "who else do we need to talk to" and presents a set of questions that must be answered by affirmative action policies in higher education.

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How to Cite
Lázaro, A., Cerqueira, L., & Castro, C. (2019). MOVIMENTOS EM MOVIMENTO NA AGENDA DA EDUCAÇÃO. Journal of Black Brazilian Researchers Association, 11(Ed. Especi), 297–320. Retrieved from
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