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Maria Gabriela Souza
Cintia Camargo Vianna


This text is an account of the experience of the undergraduate researcher who followed the work developed with literature and languages carried out with a group of eight high school fellows from the National Network of Schools of the municipality of Uberlândia, assisted by the Afroscientista/ABPN/INSTITUTO UNIBANCO project during the 2022 school year, entitled Afroscientific YALODE-GEPLAFRO - crosses with language,  location, centrality and black agency, developed as part of the correlated nucleus YALODE - GEPLAFRO / CNPq / UFU (Collective of Studies and Research in Afro-Latin American Poetics and Education in Ethnic-Racial Relations), which aimed to blur the boundaries between the academic unit and the university, in the search for the creation of a unique training territory for the young scholarship holders of the project. To this end, it has promoted training activities, particularly in the field of languages and literature, aiming to expand the conditions for students to position themselves as critical and reflective agents in their contexts with regard to their integration into the university and the access and dissemination of anti-racist discursive practices.

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How to Cite
Souza, M. G., & Vianna, C. C. (2023). x CORPORALITIES, LANGUAGES AND LITERATUES: NA AFROCIENTIST TRAJECTORY. Journal of Black Brazilian Researchers Association, 15(Edição Especial), 213–229. Retrieved from https://abpnrevista.org.br/site/article/view/1506
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Author Biographies

Maria Gabriela Souza, Universidade Federal de Uberlândia- UFU

Graduanda do curso de Letras- Universidade Federal de Uberlândia- UFU.

Cintia Camargo Vianna, Universidade Federal de Uberlândia- UFU

Pós-doutora em Estudos da Literatura pela (UFF/2017). Professora ASSOCIADA II no Ileel/UFU (Instituto de Letras e Linguística da Universidade Federal de Uberlândia). Coordena o Coletivo de Pesquisa YALODE - GEPLAFRO/CNPQ.). Coordenadora do LINGUAFRO - IDIOMAS AFIRMATIVOS. Membra da ABPN - Associação de Pesquisadores Negros do Brasil. Diretora de Formação e Eventos da APEMG - Associação Mineira de Professores de Espanhol. Membra da Associação Brasileira de Hispanistas (ABH).