The (De)colonizer process in the performance “Arte Mumbuca”: from the creative-artistic practice to poetic and affective crossing

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Ana Carolina Costa dos Anjos
Thiago Francysco Rodrigues Cassiano


This article is a result of researches realized about the people from “Mumbuca”, a quilombo located in the state of Tocantins – Brazil. The work culminated in a performative artistic production. Firstly, a brief history of the community is presented, followed by a discussion of the artistic production about the quilombo. Than, all the creative-artistic production is related to the (de)colonization process of the population derived from the African diáspora through the performative piece named “Mumbuca”. This relation is made by a perspective of the appreciation of this people’s culture and identity. To do so, this work used bibliographic and exploratory researches, as well as oral narratives.

 Keywords: Quilombo Mumbuca, Art Performance, Decolonization, African Diaspora, Identity.


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How to Cite
Anjos, A. C. C. dos, & Cassiano, T. F. R. (2019). The (De)colonizer process in the performance “Arte Mumbuca”:: from the creative-artistic practice to poetic and affective crossing. Journal of Black Brazilian Researchers Association, 11(Ed. Especi), 25–44. Retrieved from
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Author Biography

Thiago Francysco Rodrigues Cassiano, Universidade Federal do Tocantins

Pesquisador com ênfase no desenvolvimento e trabalho das artes e humanidades. Formado em artes visuais pela Universidade Paulista (UNIP), 2016 e licenciado em Teatro pela Universidade Federal do Tocantins (UFT), 2019. Especialista em Docência do Ensino Superior. Professor substituto no curso de Educação do Campo (UFT-Arraias). Desenvolve pesquisas por meio das narrativas humanísticas e artísticas, voltando-se às seguintes especificidades: formação humana e suas expressões, artes e suas expressividades, teatro, processos criativos e educação. Artista visual, ator e pesquisador de diáspora africana, racismo, preconceito racial e desigualdade afro-brasileira