CROSSROADS OF WORLDS: AMEFRICAN REVOLUTIONS AND ANTI-COLONIAL COSMOPOLITICS Perspectivas yoruba y yanomami frente a los mitos de la modernidad

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Tadeu de Paula


In this essay we will analyze, based on the concept of amefricanism developed by Lélia Gonzales, possible alliances between the cosmopolitics Yanomamis and Yorubás, in the face of the cosmopolitics of modernity based on the civilizing myth of the social contract. In this sense, studies on Amerindian and African cosmologies have a central role, since they reveal what the homogenizing concept of race tries to annul: a multiplicity of ways of life radically different from capitalist ways of life. We analyze the ways in which racial democracy updated the civilizing myth of modernity insofar as it denies racism and genocide, as well as African strategies and worldviews and their revolutionary powers.

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How to Cite
de Paula, T. (2021). CROSSROADS OF WORLDS: AMEFRICAN REVOLUTIONS AND ANTI-COLONIAL COSMOPOLITICS: Perspectivas yoruba y yanomami frente a los mitos de la modernidad. Journal of Black Brazilian Researchers Association, 13(37), 556–581. Retrieved from