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As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.

  • The text follows the style standards and bibliographic requirements described in Guidelines for Authors, on the page.
  • The title, abstract and keywords contain the three translations: Abstract in English, Résumé in French, Resumen in Spanish.
  • The text referred to at least one citation of a manuscript published by Journal of ABPN.
  • There is no data related to authorship in the document.
  • The submission file is in Microsoft Word or OpenOffice (.docx)
  • The contribution is original and unpublished, and is not being evaluated for publication by another journal; otherwise, it should be justified in "Comments to the editor".

The texts must be submitted in accordance with the following norms:

1. To publish in the Journal of ABPN it is desirable that the author or at least one author in the case of co-authorship is affiliated with the Black Brazilian Researchers Association. Not yet a member? Please log in here https://www.abpn.org.br/filiacao-1
2. Typed electronically in Word for Windows, OpenOffice or RTF, in A4 format, Times New Roman font, font size 12, line spacing of 1.5 and justified. The articles must respect the limits of 15 to 25 pages, counting on the bibliographical references. Reviews, interviews and other texts must comply with the limit of five pages.
3. Reviews of books, theses, films, hypermedia products, etc. must have their own title, differentiated from the title of the work reviewed. The work must be indicated below the title of the review.
4. The document must have no data relating to authorship placed on (name, title and e-mail). Since the Journal of ABPN adopts the double-blind evaluation system, there is no need to identify authorship in the text or in footnotes, nor in the properties of the PDF file. This information is included in the Journal System Registry and the publishers will add it after approval of the text. It is important to fill out the registration form properly with the following information: full name; institutional filiation or last professional occupation; city, state and country of the institution; highest degree (graduate, specialist, master/master's candidate, PhD/doctoral candidate), address, telephone, mobile, contact email.
5. Title: centered, bold, with initial capital letters, Times New Roman font size 14.
6. Summary: Abstract, resumé and resumen with up to 10 lines, with up to 5 keywords, mots-clés and palabras-clave. Times New Roman 11 font, simple spacing between lines, justified and block alignment. The title, the abstract and keywords MUST contain three translations: Abstract in English, Résumé in French, Resumen in Spanish.
7. The article should refer to at least one citation of a manuscript published by the Journal of ABPN.
8. The texts can have illustrations, graphics, tables and pictures, being indispensable their numbering as well the mention of title and sources used at the legend. Images (photos or pictures) must have a minimum resolution of 300 dpi, in JPG, JPEG or PNG format. These elements should be inserted in the body of the text, whose legend should be indicated at the top with numbering (Times New Roman, size 12, bold) and its font at the bottom (Times New Roman, size 10), single spaced.
9. The notes should contain only necessary comments to the development of the article’s concepts and not for bibliographic citations. They should come in footer, with all references to the usual sources. Footnote indicators should be placed after the score. For example: Joking or not, it is certain that the provincial authorities asked for the expulsion of this Haitian from Brazil.1
10. Quotations of excerpts from works and documents should follow these standards, as follows: up to three lines should be included in the text in quotation marks. From four lines, you must separate the main text, typed into size 11, with an angle of 2.5 cm, without quotation marks at the beginning and at the end. In both cases, italics should not be used.
11. All citations must be accompanied by their bibliographic references in parentheses, with the author's last name, year and publication pages. Example (Walker, 2001, p.196).
12. The Bibliographical References should be placed at the end of the article in size 11, single spacing, according to the following norms:

Sources: indicate, precisely, its origin in written, oral, iconographic and other documents. Sources should indicate in order, institution, fund, document and date in dd/mm/yyyy format (this format is valid for all dates indications).

Article in journals: Example: ARAÚJO, Emanoel. Black Memories: the Luso-Afro-Brazilian imaginary and the inheritance of slavery. Estudos Avançados, v. 18, n. 50, 2004, p. 242-250.

Chapter in a collective book: Example: CUNHA, Olívia Maria Gomes. Created to serve: domesticity, intimacy and retribution. In: CUNHA, Olívia Maria Gomes and GOMES, Flávio dos Santos. Almost-citizen: post-emancipation stories and anthropologies in Brazil. Rio de Janeiro: FGV, 2007.

Book: Example: SOUZA, Florentina da Silva. Afro-descent in Black Notebooks and MNU Journal. São Paulo: Autêntica: 2005.

Dissertation or thesis: Example: REIS, Isabel Cristina Ferreira dos. The Black Family in the Time of Slavery: Bahia, 1850-1888. Dissertation (Ph.D. in History), State University of Campinas, Campinas, SP, 2007.

Website: Example: TRINDADE, Raquel. Solano Trintade, my father. Available at: www.quilombhoje.com.br/artigos/Artigos.php. Accessed on: 15 of December, 2009.

The texts sent outside these standards will not be considered.

The texts should be submitted at: http://abpnrevista.org.br/revistas

The registration in the system and subsequent access, through a login and password, are mandatory for the submission of papers, as well as to follow the ongoing editorial process. The co-authors must also be registered in the system. If you have already registered, simply access the system and start the submission process.