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Marilza Oliveira da Silva


The history of black dance in Brazil, specifically in the city of Salvador, is marked by the resistance of its disseminators, who recognize in this dance the reflection of the history and memory of black people. Despite being seen by many as a marginal dance, exotic and anchored in the line of invisibility, it still survives. It is therefore relevant to address relevant historical facts of colonization faced by the black and his culture, in order to undo historical and social silences. In this article I present a history about the emergence of Afro-Brazilian dance and the social actors markedly responsible for its development. The Soteropolitan space as the place where the branches of the trunk unfolded became a place of reference for the research focused
on Afro dance, mainly inspired by the dance of the orixás.

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How to Cite
Silva, M. O. da. (2019). THE HISTORICAL TRUNK OF AFROBRASILEIRA DANCE. Journal of Black Brazilian Researchers Association, 11(27), 64–85. Retrieved from
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