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Fran Demétrio
Marcus Vinicius Silva Santiago-Silva
Thiago Barcelos Soliva
Deise Queiroz da Silva
Maria Helena de Brito Carvalho Dias
Arthur Hatiro Silva Ozawa
Everaldino Santana Rodrigues
Marcos Vinicius Nery Damasceno
Andressa Lélis Angelin
Daniela Santos de Jesus
Tiago Botelho


This article aims to report on the experience of co-construction of the developed works and the student experiences in the (co) Human Laboratory of Transdisciplinary Studies, Research and Extension in Comprehensive Care of Health and Nutrition, Gender and Sexuality - LABTRANS, in the Center of Sciences of the (CCS) of the Federal University of Recôncavo da Bahia (UFRB), which is part of the Directory of Research Groups of CNPq. LABTrans / UFRB / CNPq was born in a context of socio-political movements experienced by the leader of the group, which in 2015, began a process of gender transgression, recognizing and being recognized with the identity of transgender and black women. These movements echoed some students who were troubled by the clamant gender inequality in academia, science and society, marked above all by the invisibility, oppression and marginalization of trans and transvestite (Travesti) existences, as well as the essentialist view of gender and sexuality that training in health. LABTrans, then, was constructed with the perspective of thinking the integrality of health care considering the dimensions of genders and sexualities by an intersectional and decolonial bias. Among the activities developed by the group, the extension activity entitled "Transcine: cinema, genres, sexualities and health", whose objective is to provide critical-reflexive dialogues on the issues of gender and sexuality that permeate health, are highlighted of film reading. Another activity is the "Dissident Coffee", which allows the participation of both the internal community of the CCS and the external community, which has the objective of creating spaces for critical talks and debates, watered by coffee, on subjects and themes that complain by dissidents in the field of Health and related. In addition to these activities, Labtrans has conducted research on the integrality of care in the interface with issues of gender, sexuality and race among other social markers, and established partnerships with Afro-Brazilian religious leaders and artists in order to broaden the spectrum of care in health by a decolonial prism, valuing the pluriepistememic, intercultural and transdisciplinary dialogue.

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How to Cite
Demétrio, F., Santiago-Silva, M. V. S., Soliva, T. B., Silva, D. Q. da, Dias, M. H. de B. C., Ozawa, A. H. S., Rodrigues, E. S., Damasceno, M. V. N., Angelin, A. L., Jesus, D. S. de, & Botelho, T. (2018). THINKING ABOUT GENDER AND SEXUALITY IN HEALTH: NOTES ABOUT THE LABTRANS/UFRB/CNPQ EXPERIENCE. Journal of Black Brazilian Researchers Association, 10(Ed. Especi), 483–504. Retrieved from
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