Sounding voices in Rio de Janeiro, São Paulo e Florianópolis: Afro-Brazilian women after 1945

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Joselina da Silva


The second half of the forties was characterized by massive social events which directly influenced the creation of afro-Brazilian social movement, as well as the foundation of new groups. This new environment was occupied by the presence of relevant afro-Brazilian women. This paper intends to analyze thoughts of three expressive afro-Brazilian women leaders and their demands related to the intersection between gender and race as an attempt to overcome the inequalities  which characterized  that conjuncture: Maria L. Nascimento from  the  Congresso Nacional de Mulheres Negras (RJ, 1950); Nair Theodora Araújo from the Associação Cultural do Negro (SP, 1948) and Antonieta de Barros,  state representative (Florianópolis,1951). 

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How to Cite
Silva, J. da. (2010). Sounding voices in Rio de Janeiro, São Paulo e Florianópolis: Afro-Brazilian women after 1945. Journal of Black Brazilian Researchers Association, 1(1), 28–38. Retrieved from