Psychosocial Impacts of Racism on the Mental Health of Black Women

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Gilmara Santos Mariosa
Liz Gomes Ronzani
Luca Mendonça Oliveira
Fernando Machado Sobrinho Maia



This article proposes a debate on the mental health of black women. To this end, we present a brief discussion of the historical trajectory of these women, from the perspective of intersectionality, structural racism and whiteness in Brazilian society. The general objective is to discuss the possible psychosocial impacts of racism that contribute to the psychological illness of black women. They developed countless forms of resistance with the slave regime and the post-abolition period, but the cruel context in which they are inserted is sickening and has profound impacts. In Africa, they were great merchants, traders, leaders in different areas of knowledge, which went against the colonizer's values. We conclude that racism and sexism, added to the colonization process, created a specific condition of oppression for these women, generating illnesses that need to be discussed.

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How to Cite
Santos Mariosa, G., Gomes Ronzani, L., Mendonça Oliveira, L., & Machado Sobrinho Maia, F. (2024). Psychosocial Impacts of Racism on the Mental Health of Black Women. Journal of Black Brazilian Researchers Association, 15(43). Retrieved from
Author Biography

Gilmara Santos Mariosa, Faculdade Machado Sobrinho Juiz de Fora MG

Doutora em Psicologia pela UFMG, vinculada ao Núcleo de Pesquisa Conexões de Saberes. É mestre em Psicologia Social pela UERJ. Especialista em Gênero e Diversidade pela UFMG. Professora da Faculdade Machado Sobrinho.Membro da equipe do Centro Integrado de Atendimento à Mulher-CIAM da Câmara Municipal de Juiz de Fora. Mulher negra, é mãe da Luanda e filha da Léa. Neta da Maria Luíza que era mestra nas artes de cura pelas ervas. Feminista sempre, artesã nas horas vagas. escorpiana. Filha de Oxum.