THE GARBAGE DISCOURSE: A PSYCHOANALYTIC AND SOCIOPOLITICAL ANALYSIS OF THE SYMBOLIC MECHANISMS OF BRAZILIAN RACISM un análisis psicoanalítico y sociopolítico de los mecanismos simbólicos del racismo brasileño

Main Article Content

Victor de Jesus
Sonia Rodrigues da Penha


Racism has several layers and symbolic structuring mechanisms, and the production of racial stereotypes-stigma is an important aspect of this process. Thus, the discursive and symbolic construction that black people are dirty, stinky, filthy, or even the trash of society is a relevant part of this Brazilian racial dynamic. Therefore, we propose to reflect on the psychoanalytical and sociopolitical interface of this racist construction, based on the experiences and racial violence denounced by Carolina de Jesus and the theoretical contributions of Lélia Gonzalez, Neusa Santos Souza and Isildinha Nogueira. We argue that the production of the dirty black body-myth and the ideal of the clean white ego constitutes a political mechanism of cultural and environmental racism to subalternize and deny black identity at the same time that it hides the filth of racist whiteness, reinforces white identity and legitimizes processes of sanitization-annihilation of every black signifier.

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How to Cite
Jesus, V. de, & Penha , S. R. da. (2023). THE GARBAGE DISCOURSE: A PSYCHOANALYTIC AND SOCIOPOLITICAL ANALYSIS OF THE SYMBOLIC MECHANISMS OF BRAZILIAN RACISM: un análisis psicoanalítico y sociopolítico de los mecanismos simbólicos del racismo brasileño. Journal of Black Brazilian Researchers Association, 16(Edição Especial). Retrieved from
Author Biographies

Victor de Jesus, PGCS/UFES

Pós-doutorando (pesquisador bolsista CAPES/BRASIL) no PGCS/UFES. Doutor em Ciências Sociais no PGCS UFES (pesquisador bolsista FAPES), mestre em Planejamento Urbano e Regional no IPPUR/UFRJ (pesquisador bolsista CNPq), licenciado e bacharel em Ciências Sociais na UFES e tecnólogo em Saneamento Ambiental no IFES

Sonia Rodrigues da Penha , Articulação Nacional de Psicólogas(os) Negras(os) e Pesquisadoras(es) no Espírito Santo (ANPSINP/ES)

Bachelor in Social Work, psychologist and psychoanalyst, coordinator of the National Articulation of Black Psychologists and Researchers in Espírito Santo (ANPSINP/ES). Coordinates the project @casa_da_barra, Gallery, Ateliê, Artistic Residence and @hostelcultural in Conceição da Barra/ES and is part of the Coletivo Ocupação Psicanalítica.