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Maria Julia List Rizato
Vitor Daniel Menck


The present article analyzes the black presence in the interior of the state of São Paulo, focusing on the city of Americana-SP in the region of Campinas.We discuss the existence of Africanness in national history and culture, and the actions taken by the state and the elites to marginalize and stereotype black populations throughout history. Also, a brief consideration about the resistance undertaken by black men and women to guarantee their subsistence and maintenance of their knowledge, with emphasis on the kilombos. Finally, we emphasize in the history of Americana the black existences in a slavery period, and then we try to point out the possible post-abolition occupations, arriving at the current constitution of the neighborhoods. All these analyses are based on an interdisciplinary theoretical referential, which transits through architecture, urbanism, geography, and history, and also on information obtained through the use of oral history.

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How to Cite
Rizato, M. J. L., & Menck, V. D. (2022). BLACK PRESENCE AND CULTURE IN AMERICANA-SP NEGRITO. Journal of Black Brazilian Researchers Association, 14(42), 229–245. Retrieved from
Author Biographies

Maria Julia List Rizato, Universidade de São Paulo

Graduanda em Arquitetura e Urbanismo pelo IAU-USP. Desenvolve a pesquisa de Iniciação Científica intitulada “A presença negra na Vila Cariobano Pós-Abolição em Americana-SP” com orientação da Profª Drª Joana D'Arc de Oliveira e fomentada pela Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisado Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP).

Vitor Daniel Menck, Universidade de São Paulo

Graduando em Arquitetura e Urbanismo pelo IAU-USP. Desenvolve a pesquisa de Iniciação Científica intitulada “Práticas Culturais e Saberes Tradicionais Negros em Americana-SP” com orientação da Profª Drª Joana D'Arc de Oliveira e fomentada pela Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisado Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP).