On the search for a black psychoanalyst: psychoanalysis and ethnic-racial relations

Main Article Content

Daniel Péricles Arruda


The purpose of this article is to present some elements for the debate about the search for black subjects by psychoanalysts who are also black; considering the differences and the similarities between psychoanalysis and ethnic-racial relations. The article also presents reflections on racism and its threads. Therefore, these questions must be considered in the formation process of black subjects, in their psychological suffering, in the ways they build their networks of meanings, and how they deal with the elements that compose them, their signifiers.

Article Details

How to Cite
Arruda, D. P. (2021). On the search for a black psychoanalyst: psychoanalysis and ethnic-racial relations. Journal of Black Brazilian Researchers Association, 13(37), 246–260. Retrieved from https://abpnrevista.org.br/site/article/view/1160
Author Biography

Daniel Péricles Arruda, Universidade Federal de São Paulo (Unifesp)

Arte-educador, rapper e poeta. Professor adjunto da graduação em Serviço Social e vinculado ao Departamento de Saúde, Educação e Sociedade da Universidade Federal de São Paulo, campus Baixada Santista. É graduado em Serviço Social pela PUC Minas, mestre (bolsista do Ford Foundation International Fellowships Program, turma 2010) e doutor em Serviço Social pela PUC-SP, pós-doutor em Psicologia Social pela PUC-SP, em formação em psicanálise pelo Instituto Langage, e aluno do 2º ano do curso Clínica Psicanalítica: Conflito e Sintoma, do Instituto Sedes Sapientiae.
