The Journal of ABPN is a free and open journal, published quarterly by the Black Brazilian Researchers Association, as an electronic version, available at: Its main objective is to give visibility to the discussions about race relations from the production of black researchers and intellectuals, as well as from others committed to promoting racial equity and production of knowledge about Africa and African Diasporas, nationally and internationally.

The Journal of ABPN will receive articles, essays, biographies, interviews and unpublished reviews written in Portuguese. Unpublished texts in English, French or Spanish may also be sent for evaluation in the original language. If approved, the translation to Portuguese is mandatory, and author’s responsibility. In special cases, the Journal of ABPN may be responsible for the translation. According to the relevance for Brazilian readers, articles already published in a foreign language will be accepted for evaluation.

The texts should be submitted at: Authors must sign up before submitting an article. If you have already registered, simply access the system and start the 5-step submission process.

The Editorial Board and/or reviewers selected by the publishers will evaluate the texts, in a blind peer evaluation process, ie, the authors' anonymity will be guaranteed. It is the responsibility of the Editorial Board and other reviewers to request changes when the material submitted is not in accordance with the editorial norms. In case of non-compliance with the rules and changes requested, the text will be disqualified.

The Journal of ABPN reserves the right to make any necessary changes to the grammatical correction, the technical assembly of the originals and the adaptations to the visual design of the publication.

The opinions expressed in the texts are the responsibility of their respective authors.


Associated with

ABEC - Brazilian Association of Scientific Editors